Preparing for INCOSE Knowledge exam helped Sowmya Kurra, ASEP certified student, realize how vast Systems Engineering is and how diverse are its aspects.
Here is what she has to say about SEP Certification.
Trainer Paul Martin, ESEP, says "Systems Engineers work within vast and complex machinery of processes, project purposes, and personnel. It’s nice to know where you fit."
Here are his views on SEP Certification and Systems Engineering Training.
" A systems engineer should develop the capability to think probabilistically," says John Shortle, a faculty at George Mason University.
Here is what he has to say about Academic Equivalency.
"A Systems Engineer needs to understand all aspects of the system lifecycle and design disciplines to know how to engage the subject matter experts efficiently," says Beth Wilson, ESEP, a Systems Engineering course instructor at WPI.
Here is her perspective on Academic Equivalency and SEP Certification.
Trainer Jan von Tongelen, CSEP, continues to learn about Systems Engineering by being a part of the Systems Engineering community.
Here is what he has to say about Systems Engineering training.
Corina White, CSEP, is a Professor who encouraged herself to get certified through encouraging her students to get SEP Certification!
Here are her views on Academic Equivalency and SEP Certification.
"A systems engineer should learn all the professional competencies during their education," says an Academic Equivalency Advisor, Heidi Ann Hahn, ESEP.
Here are her views on Academic Equivalency.
David Endler, CSEP, finds it rewarding when his trainees talk about applying systems engineering learned in his class.
Here is what he has to say about Systems Engineering training and SEP Certification.
Trainer David D. (Dave) Walden, ESEP, thinks that core systems engineering skills can be best learned through training.
Here are his thoughts on Systems Engineering training and SEP Certification.
"Treat the INCOSE Handbook as the Bible": advices a certified student, Keshav Sharma to Certification aspirants.
Here is more on what he has to say about SEP Certification.