Taking the INCOSE knowledge exam is the first step most candidates take toward ASEP and CSEP certification. The exam can be taken on paper or on the computer.
On February 16, 2022, INCOSE's current intern presented a webinar about the Academic Equivalency Program. This is a great source of information and can be accessed by all INCOSE members and CAB associates at the Webinar library.
Would you like to be an unofficial spokesperson for INCOSE’s Certification Program?
Morenikeji Araloyin is INCOSE's fourth intern.
If your university has an Academic Equivalency program, it may allow you to bypass the INCOSE knowledge exam on the path to certification as an Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP) or Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP).
INCOSE has some special opportunities for students.
INCOSE has shared the SEP logos with Lands End, a US-based provider of clothing and home goods. If you would like an ESEP polo, a CSEP fleece jacket, or an ASEP backpack, you are likely to find something you like at the Lands End Store.
Are you allowed to use the INCOSE logos?
INCOSE certification provides a clear path to CSEP through Chartered Australia Systems Engineering (CASE). Here is the detailed program information.