May 24, 2022, 00:00 AM
Christine Kowalski
The International Council on Systems Engineering
SySTEM initiative becomes SySTEAM
Press Release
SAN DIEGO (May 24 2022) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) created the SySTEAM initiative, with the aim to improve the quality of STEAM education worldwide, for all students, by changing the way in which educators, administrators, and other relevant stakeholders place value on and leverage ST/SE skills, and by establishing a community to advocate for holistic integration of ST and SE principles and skills into existing STEAM curricula and programs.
Our vision is for a world where every student will be equipped with the interdisciplinary skills they need in order to succeed in today’s globalized society. With the heartfelt conviction that the arts and humanities are a critical part of that interdisciplinary vision, we want to recognize the contributions those fields can offer systems engineering and systems engineering competency education as well as vice versa.
Putting the ‘A’ in SySTEAM is a way for us to tell our community and the rest of the world that we see the arts and humanities as being just as important as the sciences, and that we’ve embraced that perspective in our efforts.
With this name change, we hope to welcome an even wider diversity of participants from different academic, geographic, and personal backgrounds into our community.
“We at SySTEAM believe every student deserves the right and opportunity to a quality education,” said Caitlyn Singam, SySTEAM’s Program Director, and initiative lead. “To that end SySTEAM wants to help promote a more just, equitable, and transparent approach to education in general, and Systems Thinking/Systems Engineering competencies in particular, in a way that helps reduce disparities in educational quality, access, and competency attainment.”
All individuals interested in the SySTEAM Initiative and its mission are invited to join our community. The SySTEAM community is made up of volunteers from around the world, and is open to new members from all professions, experience levels, and nationalities, regardless of INCOSE membership status. If you have STEM or STEAM Ambassadors in your organization, please pass on this invite.
For additional information about SySTEAM, visit Join SySTEAM’s free, public Discord community using the following link: to become part of a vibrant global effort seeking to improve education for all.
INCOSE Media Contact:
Honor Lind, Director for Marketing and Communications,