Call for Nominations: Editor in Chief
Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge
Deadline: April 1, 2018
After more than 4 years of dedicated service, Rick Adcock will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of theSystems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) on July 1, 2018. The Governing Board of the Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering (BKCASE), which oversees the SEBoK, is soliciting nominations for a new SEBoK Editor-in-Chief. The SEBoK, which is available at, is a rich and well-structured collection of hundreds of short articles describing the primary knowledge in systems engineering. Authored by hundreds of professionals from the broad systems engineering community, the articles guide the reader to a wealth of additional information. Now in its 10th version since first being published in 2012, the SEBoK wiki is routinely accessed more than 50,000 times per month, making it one of the most widely read resources on systems engineering in the world.
Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities
The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the technical content and strategic direction of the SEBoK, oversight of the publication process of the wiki, and enhancing its visibility and impact. Responsibilities include:
• Appointment and management of an editorial board to serve the full scope of the SEBoK
• Overall coordination and processing of submissions, reviews, and final copy editing
• Ensuring timeliness and quality of SEBoK content
• Ensuring SEBoK content evolves to reflect the changing nature of systems engineering
• Responding to direction from the Governing Board, which currently has representatives from the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Stevens Institute of Technology, and the IEEE Computer Society.
The Editor-in-Chief position is a voluntary position and a salary is not provided; however, Governing Board provides a stipend to carry out editorial functions. The Editor-in-Chief position is for a two-year renewable term beginning July 1, 2018.
The Editor-in-Chief is assisted by professional staff who manage copyright matters, provide wiki technical support, and offer other support.
Editor-in-Chief Qualifications
Qualifications of the Editor-in-Chief include:
• A demonstrated interest in the broad topics covered by the SEBoK
• A demonstrated record of leadership in scholarship and application in one or more of the topical areas covered by the SEBoK
• Ability to effectively and efficiently manage the editorial process
• Vision of the role of scholarly publication in the electronic age
• Commitment to the workload involved, including by the applicant’s employer
Members of the search committee are Art Pyster (INCOSE, Committee Chair), Ariela Sofer (INCOSE), Jon Wade (SERC), and Rich Hilliard (IEEE Computer Society).
Nominations should include:
(1) A brief biography (up to 250 words) of the nominee
(2) A complete resume of the nominee
(3) A brief position statement (less than 500 words) outlining a vision for the SEBoK
(4) The names of three individuals who can provide a reference
(5) A letter of support from nominee’s employer (waived if self-employed or retired)
Self-nominations are encouraged. Applications will begin to be given due consideration starting April 1, 2018.
Please send nominations or inquiries to:
Dr. Art Pyster
Chair of the BKCASE Governing Board
Associate Dean for Research
Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University