The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) at Stevens Institute of Technology have developed this directory as a resource for the industrial and systems engineering community.
The information was drawn primarily from university websites. Listings include the name and address of the university, what degrees that university offers (e.g., a B.S. in Systems Engineering or a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering), the academic unit that offers those degrees, the head of the academic unit offering those degrees, and a URL where more information can be found. It is a World Wide directory.
There are so many variations in how universities call their systems and industrial engineering programs, especially when looking across so many countries, that the editors decided to keep things simple, especially for this first edition. With a few exceptions, it includes only programs with the title “Systems Engineering”, “Industrial Engineering”, or those with another field added on, such as “Operations Research and Systems Engineering”. Generally, restricted systems or industrial engineering programs, such as “Computer Systems Engineering” are not included.
Please contact us if your university has a degree program in SE or IE and is not currently included, or with any questions or comments.
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