MBSE: A formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later lifecycle phases. [INCOSE SE Vision 2020] The MBSE Initiative's goal is to transform Systems Engineering to a model-based practice
Mark Sampson
Troy Peterson
The final SysML v2 submission to the Object Management Group is planned for February 20, 2023, and if approved will become a beta specification leading to a final adopted SysML v2 specification in 2024. Sanford Friedenthal, Ed Seidewitz, and Manas Bajaj provided a 3.5-hour overview and demonstration of the SysML v2 language and Systems Modeling API and Services on Monday, January 30. The SysML v2 Overview presentation can be downloaded from the list to the right.
In addition, Frank Salvatore and Emily Bak conducted a two-hour SysML v2 Transition Workshop following to obtain inputs from the systems engineering community on the kinds of guidance that would aid in the transition from SysML v1 to SysML v2. This workshop was conducted on behalf of the DoD Digital Engineering, Modeling and Simulation Office, which is planning to develop transition guidance by the time the final SysML v2 specification is adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG). Their introductory presentation can be found in the list to the right.
The MBSE Initiative was chartered by INCOSE to transform Systems Engineering to a model-based practice. We do that by enabling exchange of model-based content across INCOSE's Working Groups as well as gathering and disseminating MBSE content through all media including: INCOSE Insight articles, MBSE Vision representation in the handbook, SEBoK, MBSE Wiki,... as well as organize MBSE communication channels such as the popular Annual MBSE Workshops, MBSE Lightning Rounds, and more.
The MBSE Initiative maintains a MBSE Wiki page for all things MBSE: MBSE Wiki
SysML v2 Update Links:
This year's MBSE Workshop is further integrated with many working groups across the International Workshop. In the past we have spent several days providing updates on many MBSE topics in two-days of plenary sessions on topic's like: standards, MBSE products, analyst perspectives, and more. This year we have compressed the content; delivering a one-day MBSE "fire hose" update including SysML v2, SE Tools Database, SE Tools Lab, standards updates, and a working group round-robin. Day two will include breakout sessions on AI/Machine Learning (MBSE Lightning Round focused topic) and System Safety breakout (to establish a framework for integrating System Safety with MBSE).
Don't miss it.